This site is run by The Dougy Center for Grieving Children. It's purpose is to provide families loving support and a safe place where children, teens and their families grieving a death can share their experiences as they move through their healing process.
A club for kids and teens dealing with death
Children can use this site to get some of their questions answered and to do some activities.
This is a pamphlet that explains death to children in cartoon form.
Many useful resources can be found here as the bereaved help the bereaved.
Grief support after the death of a child
Support and care for parents grieving the loss of a child.
Resources for parents who have suffered these types of losses.
Great source of information on how to deal with this type of loss.
Families helping families (The Jenna Druck Foundation) provides comprehensive bereavement services to families who have experienced the death of a child.
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Response and Recovery site dealing with death, bereavement and loss explains the natural progression of events in the grieving process.
This site answers frequently asked questions about grief.
A series of links pertaining to grief and bereavement.
A collection of resources for those dealing with a loss
Excellent grief handbook and other resources.
Ph: 506-869-6943A new organization in the city of Moncton, New Brunswick offering support for palliative care and grief support.
The site features writings from a variety of classic and contemporary writers that grieving people have found helpful and comforting. This includes five full-length books which can be freely downloaded.
This site explains the different stages in the grieving process.
Willowgreen provided resources in the areas of illness, dying, grief and loss.
This website includes tips, resources, and suggestions for all young widows and widowers to help deal with grief and loss.
This site is dedicated to the formation of a support community for those who have suffered the devastating loss of an adult sibling.
Suggested online resources for suicide prevention and for survivors of suicide
What to look for when assessing potential risk.
This is an excellent place for information.